For as long as I can remember, expeditions to winter woods set my aunt off in a frenzied search for puttyroot. I was always vaguely disappointed that we only found leaves. Despite years of shared walks, we never saw the flowers together. This incessant search continued well into her 80s. She and my uncle moved… Continue reading Puttyroot
Author: Ruth Happel
Winter Woods
After a record warm start to the new year, the rest of this week has compensated by being extra cold and snowy. Two separate snowstorms blanketed the forest with white. Yesterday’s high was in the mid 20’s, and this morning it dipped into the teens, only rising above freezing shortly before noon. Winter seems determined… Continue reading Winter Woods
New Year’s Day Blossoms
My father viewed paths as suggestions, and we spent as much time off trails as on them. With rare exceptions he viewed our woods wanderings as detours rather than being lost. Once the flashlights came out, he would reluctantly admit perhaps we had not ended up where he intended. Still, because of these explorations we… Continue reading New Year’s Day Blossoms